The Government are issuing 43,000 visas this next year for seasonal workers.
The farmers here will have to pay for these visas and the travel of each worker.
this could amount to a cost of £1,000 per seasonal worker.
This will mean the price of veg in the shops is going to rise.
REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE of which the Good Gardeners Technology plays a part
These could offer the best solutions to these problems.
ALL OVER THE WORLD there are openings that would suit the Good Gardeners Waste Management and Horticultural System.
At present Waste Management is usually dealt with by municipal systems that are extremely large scale and this always means a less effective solution than our localised solutions.
THINK ABOUT IT in every Country there are poorer people, than the big farmers who are sitting on land and are hungry. These people are willing to act in order to provide food for themselves without having to pay higher prices in the Supermarkets. This often so called Marginal Land that the big farmers won’t or can’t use due to the size of their machinery and the grade of Agricultural Land is ideal for this technology. They people there may be struggling with plant pests and diseases, trying to grow their own, the rise in costs of fertiliser and pesticides; the rise in costs of labour.
THE GOOD GARDENERS offer the perfect regenerative solutions to these people…..without the cost of large machinery without the cost of any chemical fertilisers or pesticides and without the rising costs of imported seasonal workers we offer the easiest way for you to grow your own food and to pick your own food and sell your own food.
HH-2 offers it all Our waste management equipment can recycle all manner of organic wastes including sanitation waste, which is incidentally the best form of fertiliser on the planet (see note), and turn them into premium fertiliser in 90 days. Then end product is then laid down for a further 3 months and then any crop type can be planted.
THERE YOU HAVE IT In one season we can guarantee crop production from land that may have been exhausted or covered in brambles etc., How much of a contribution is that to REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE ?
note. We are probably the only Company that is offering this technology. Generally the world does not know of this technology and therefore it is becoming increasingly more valuable because it offers a product that is more beneficial to crop production than any other material containing more NPK than any other material.