With accelerating Climate Change and ever increasing costs on water services at disposal points why not change to a sustainable HH-3 Compost Toilet.
With over 30 years of research and practical applications the Good Gardeners are now releasing their new range at Christmas this year. With strength and stability these lovely DRY toilets offer the most sustainable solutions to disposing of human effluent.
Did you know that it is only through continual brainwashing from the establishment for the past 150 years that we have been lead to believe that we can’t or shouldn’t use human waste for food production. WRONG, INCORRECT, MISINFORMATION…….
With the Good Gardeners you can learn how to safely turn human waste into optimum world class fertiliser….and sell it in shops as we have been doing for at least 25 years.
Why do we say it is so good – because it has more Nitrogen in it than Cow Dung.
You can’t grow any food crops without NP and K. Human waste in conjunction with other wastes has all the necessary NPK for crop production. And if you collect it in our HH-3 Compost Toilets and process it in our special aluminium HH-2 SuperFast Composters you are bound for success.
TRY it now you on;y need a small piece of land to operate the System and grow SuperHealthy food rich in minerals, Vitamins and Proteins.
QED with the HH-3
Richard Higgins
Good Gardeners International