Seasonal Worker Chaos – METHANE emissions 21-22.10.24

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No one available from DEFRA.

They say breed animals to produce less METHANE.

WHY NOT breed less animals! and EAT LESS ANIMALS!    This would make more sense and be far better for your nutrition and the Environment. WE DON’T NEED MORE TRIALS ON METHANE EMISSIONS!

Just stop eating so much meat and then you will automatically reduce the emissions. The BBC released yesterday that too many people are just eating too much meat and not enough fruit and vegetables, so here is your answer. QED. Wales has the worst incidence of Diabetes and Obesity and this is due to poor nutrition therefore the answer is simple to work out. Eat less meat and eat more fruit and vegetables. QED. Less METHANE will then automatically be produced without more lengthy costly research…. QED.

METHANE is emitted from food waste  and  hardly anyone is composting food waste which produces NO METHANE.

Besides if you do this then there is no need for any chemicals and no cultivating machinery in your growing system. This alone would save huge amounts of emissions, but would/should involve more local people working on farms – rather than imported seasonal workers. QED….or maybe not so Quite Easily Done.

We have to decide what we want. If we want to be healthier and have less METHANE then it is obvious what we have to do. The previous broadcast was  We Can’t Go On Eating Like This – you don’t need to be a genius to work it out.

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