South West Water say new reservoir is necessary or we will run out of water

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The amount of water used per toilet flush depends on the type of toilet and other factors. Here are some things to consider: 

  • Toilet type

    Standard toilets use around 6–9 liters of water per flush, while newer toilets use less. Eco-friendly models may use as little as 2.6 liters. 

  • Dual-flush
    If the waste is liquid, it will only use a little over 3 liters (a half-flush). Solid waste will require more water and will use about 5 to 6 liters of water per flush (a full-flush). This is still within the WELS standard, which will be explained in this article.28 Oct 2015

If Councils persued their enquiries into DRY sanitation for new builds huge amounts of water would definately be saved.

If all farmers, small holders etc., etc.,  all over the world went over to Compost Loos water would start to be saved and so would chemical fertilisers.

If all Glamping sites went over to real sustainable sanitation and install DRY sanitation they would be saving water too.

There is absolutely no need to buy any chemical fertilisers, pesticides etc., if you know how to operate  a DRY sanitation system.  See  we are advisors on DRY sanitation

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