
We do Worm Farming in the Ground BBC Radio 4 Farming Today

BBC Farming Today 8.6.24 ‘Don’t cut down all your surrounding weeds, nettles, vegetation etc, These are the home of hover flies an other pollinators.’ At the same time The Govt. is allowing Neonicetineoids to combat aphids in Oil seed rape….. There is no need to fear weeds with the HH-2 Horticultural System, because we hoe […]

We do Worm Farming in the Ground BBC Radio 4 Farming Today Read More »

BBC Farming Today – fertiliser shortages in UK       (SATURDAY)        (MONDAY)   BBC Farming Today has broadcast that there will be definate fertiliser shortages for all of UK farming due to the shortage and price increase of gas in the UK. “This will affect the food security of the United Kingdom.”   Yesterday we saw a lovely

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