Welcome to Nutritional Info at the Well End Micro-farm.
We are Micro for two reasons. We are a small farm and we specialize in massively increasing the micro biological activity of the soil. This is the key to understanding natural health in plants, animals and man. Our food in Europe and most of the world has depleted minerals and this is greatly affecting the health of modern man. By introducing these methods of farming minerals are placed directly into the soil and minerals from the sub soil are released into the growing cycle.
Current Partners with the Good Gardeners Association where Richard Higgins is A Trustee
Research (GREEN)
Biodynamic Agricultural Association – Oldest organic group established 1924. A UK registered organic certification body. Research partners.
The Hiram Trust – Promote experiential education in the outdoor class room Research partners.
The Waldorf College – Promote experiential education. Research partners
Controlled Microbial Composting (Austria) – World experts in round filter paper chromatography (vitality testing). The Director Angelika Lubke is an advisor to the GGA.
Surrey University – Dr N. I. Ward, Head of Chemistry is a world expert in trace elements and their effect on health. He is honorary advisor to GGA. Surrey University carries out all our trace element analysis for plant samples.
Elm Farm Research, UK’s leading Organic Research Centre
No-till farming around the world
Green Cuisine – Holistic courses in Nutrition at Penrhos Court, Wales (GGA Members can claim discounts)
Video”We are what we eat”
Proposed: Holisitc courses on cooking with Ayurveda – Well End Micro-farm
Institute of Optimum Nutrition
Foresight – Promotion of preconceptual care
Food Standards Agency
The Institute of Brain Chemistry, London Metropolitan University
The McCarrison Society for nutrition and health
Our work at The Well End Micro-farm was inspired by the works of Sir Albert Howard who worked With Major General Sir Robert McCarrison (nutritionist). His work later formed the McCarrison Society.
The mineral content of UK food today has been depleted by 40% since the last war.
Higgins, at Well End, has developed the HH -2 units for the safe remediation of waste products that are rat proof and fly proof and retain the moisture balance that are so much required in hot climates. All materials passed through the HH -2 Hot Box system are pathogen free in 30 days. The original science that Howard researched came from as far back as 4,700 years from the ancient Chinese (Farmers of Forty Centuries, King, 1926). It is now available in the re-release of his work by Higgins in the title The Lost Science of Organic Cultivation, (Brahma Publications, 1997). The results of Howard’s work and the astounding health benefits can be found in the title Farming and Gardening for Health or Disease Available from our Products and Resources page.
Digging and ploughing of the soil kills Micorrhiza fungi which take up to two years to regenerate and affects the nutrient uptake of plants (Rodale Institute USA) http://www.rodaleinstitute.org/nutrition
These fungi that transfer nutrients from soil to root hairs of plants. 90% of all plants on earth are Micorrhiza formers.
At Well End our food crops and un-dug soil are treated with mineral rock dust from a 420 million year old Basalt seam. The list of minerals contained in this rock dust that help promote good health are listed below.
Benefits of the natural intake of these minerals through food are listed here:
ICP-MS Analysis Well End Rock Dust has been analysed using ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry).
For further information and the listed books are available from Well End Micro-farm via rh******@su*****.uk