The Oxford Real Farming Conference

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This two day conference covered many issues relating to Real Farming and the way forward to implement it. I found out about this conference from the Radio 4 discussions between Tiffin and Tudge, Tiffin, from Reading University, who advocates large scale, fully technological farming and the Mega Dairy, proposed for somewhere in central England and Tudge who advocates smaller scale farming with addition of 1 million more farmers involved. Next year will require a bigger venue and other farmers from conventional farming are expected to be invited.

There was some film made and a recording of an interview was made with Colin Tudge, the Organiser and founder of the College of Enlightened Agriculture, which is audible on Radio 4, pod cast, The Future of Farming, aired at 6.30 am Saturday 5th January, 2013

All groups present agreed that small(er) farms are the way forward rather than larg(er) farms. All groups on the agricultural side of things agreed that soil is important as well as good crop breeding.

The last event, held in Merton College, Oxford University, concluded that in order to improve our soils we must either improve the grass ley and graze it properly and/or improve our soils for arable use by addition of organic matter in the right condition.

This is exactly where the Howard-Higgins method of composting comes into play. I received an invitation from one of the presenters who is an agronomist and soil fertility consultant.

Further reading

Japanese Knot Weed and Himalayan Balsam

While there are easy differences to observe with the two invasive weeds the two are often confused. Both are extremely invasive and should not be

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