Farming & Growing

A solution for controlling pests whilst boosting yields.

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The Challenge

In the UK some of the biggest setbacks to the economy is the vast expense laid out on plant pests and diseases and the ever-growing weed problems. For instance, the sugar beet crop is being devastated by the Flea Beetle and Aphids have dramatically reduced the Oil Seed Rape crop which is also having trouble producing its flowers. This is a result of soil infertility. 
Our HH-2 for small holders and scaled up HH-1 for Agriculture are suitable for solving these problems.  Due to fertiliser  prices soaring all over the world we need to start the implementation of sustainable fertiliser production.

The HH Solution

With the HH-1 Agricultural System, or with the HH-2 Horticultural system, soil fertility is restored on any soil type and 30 times the moisture retention is achieved in our end product which is FRESH HUMUS Compost/fertiliser. Applied to the surface only this  method tackles extreme climate change where droughts are increasing. Also endeavour for entomology can be reduced simply and effectively through this revolutionary Soil Science technology.  Since the first HH-2 system was developed there has never been any need for PEAT to be used in any stage of the growing system. We can deliver this equipment
straight from our factory                                      The general public are asking questions and rightly so about what is going into our food supply. The HH system provides positive answers to these questions. If food growing is undertaken with this system, on unused marginal land, you will have instant ORGANIC FOOD.
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Our Products

Learn more and buy the HH-2 system, or trial the miracle compost/fertiliser it produces here.

Our Partners

We work with incredible partners to develop and install our HH systems.

Support Us

We work tirelessly to develop solutions to help tackle some of the biggest problems we face – sustainable farming and pollution-free DRY sanitation. With your help, we can accelerate this work.

Latest News

Obesity in Wales

Lisa Williams  leads dieticians across Wales  60% of Wales are living with overwieght or obesity . This is a risk factor for Type II Diabetes.

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