We are now hearing about Agroecology in the UK on the Radio 4 Farming Today programme.
Finally we are hearing about a farmer who has employed intercropping at 30 metre intervals in his grain fields with apple trees as opposed to our recommendation and use of 60 metres. The choice may depend upon the state of the land fertility and wind speed etc.,
In South Hertfordshire where we are the general average breeze blows falling leaves across a 60 metre corridor.
If these intercropped trees are planted in a north south direction the shading is minimal this programme says, but even planted east/west the results can be similar. The determining factor for sound ecology would be the land contour and the drainage considerations.
The spacing of corridors may depend upon the proposed use of harvesting equipment leaving turning room at the ends.
This in conjunction with HH-1 fertility making technology would completely reverse soil erosion and enhance the crop no end.
We have noticed this year that the neighbouring field of 100 acres (chemical grower) has sown a border of moon daisies for the first time ever. It will be interesting to see what he does with these.
Previously the varying size of the border (EU) has been barren.