Slurry in UK waterways

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There are incidents of one thousand incidents of agricultural pollution into UK waterways every year.

clean healthy water

Environmental Agency regulations are very poor in this regard. And people are advocating Mega Diary farms?


I know because I have raised a complaint to the agency and no action was taken.

Farmers need a permit (£2,000) to be able to even go into a river to try and stop/clean up pollution. Why do the EA want so much license fee for farmers to clean up water courses?  This could be one of the reasons for increased river pollution. DEFRA say they are listening to these problems….

Education of what to do with slurry is just not there.

Or should I say how to turn slurry into fertiliser that is 4 times more effective than cow dung is not there.

WRE are looking at innovations where public water supply and agricultural water demands could be integrated.

Because about half the food we eat is imported often from water stressed countries we are adding to their problems of water scarcity and food security……We should be producing much more of our own food. The high importation of food is because it is cheaper to get it from other countries than produce it ourselves. A good reason to leave Europe, and as we have it, a good incentive to grow more of our own food. This would take the strain of other countries food security.

Fish stocks are diminishing due to river pollution in South Wales

On Farm Water Management

There is no large scale land water management with for instance contour ploughing (or not) or interspersed contour drainage trenches that hold water before it rushes into the nearest lake, stream or river.  With 1% increase in OM (organic matter) you retain 15,000 gallons of water per acre.





Further reading

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