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Slurry in UK waterways

There are incidents of one thousand incidents of agricultural pollution into UK waterways every year. Environmental Agency regulations are very poor in this regard. And

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Pathogen Control

From the research laboratories at WRc UK there is the following information: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/sludge/pdf/sludge_eval.pdf list all 6 harmful groups of viruses, helminths, bacteria, protozoa, yeasts and

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Scientists dig deep – we don’t

http://ec.europa.eu/research/infocentre/article_en.cfm?id=/research/star/index_en.cfm?p=sf-20170508-esdac&calledby=infocentre&item=Infocentre&artid=44117   Infocentre Published: 8 May 2017 Related theme(s) and subtheme(s) Agriculture & food :  Agriculture Environment :  Earth Observation  |  Land management Success stories : 

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