Import 80% Export 80%

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Britain currently imports 80% of its fish and exports 80% of their fish

Looks like Money is more important than food

Wonderful species all round our coasts but we don’t want to eat these varieties.

protests in Ireland, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Romania and France

”We are sleep walking into food shortages”   said Gareth Wyn Jones.

The  Government are legislating to reduce Nitrate levels and some farmers are reducing what they produce by up to 80% ”which is absolutely ludicrous” he says. French farmers are blockading Paris and outside the European Union in Brussels Farmers were throwing eggs and starting fires.  Olly Harrison from the North  suggests that a better way is to aim the protests toward Supermarkets rather then blocking highways IE., don’t shop at this or that Supermarket. After all they are the ones who want to pay Farmers less and sell food at ridiculously low prices.

In our view the Government are going about this in the wrong way. Nitrate levels are reduced  by composting effluents rather than what they propose which is about reducing them altogether.  Spreading live manure on fields is now shown to be the wrong thing to do with climate change and so much excessive rain that this live manure ends up depositing nitrates in water courses.

The CAP payments are going to be phased out completely in a few years, so Charlotte Smith says and Farmers are going to feel worse off.

Therefore local suppliers to local markets is surely the way to go even though this might mean larger Farmers reducing their turnover by reducing their exports.

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Further reading

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