Production of Mycorrhiza fungi

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Question from Steve Bell, New Zealand.

Hi, i read your reply to an enquiry on growing mycorrihizal fungi to a reader. unfortunately i cant attend one of your courses as i live in new zealand, however i would be grateful if you could pass on some information that i could use to cultivate the fungi.virtually impossible to get it here and sooooooo  expensive. any help would be appreciated, regards, steve,bell

Hi Steve,

The production of Mycorrhiza fungi happens naturally in the soil.

If you have a field, allotment, or garden in which you wish to encourage Mycorrhiza you have to adopt a low till farming or zero till gardening method of cultivation. These work in conjunction with composting. Compost made properly is full of fungi and bacteria and will encourage the Mycorrhiza fungi to develop as well. If you have ploughed or dug the area it can take up to two years to replenish Mycorrhiza (Rodale Institure, USA). Once you have established a crop in this ground then add some intermittent perennial plants. These will preserve the Mycorrhiza when annual plants are harvested, although leaving the roots of harvested plants in the ground is the best policy as they become fresh organic matter for humus formation and won’t disturb the Mycorrhiza fungi.

Further reading

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