Good Gardeners International (parent charity)
HH-3 Superfast Compost toilets
technology for
composting toilet waste and other obnoxious wastes
so that they disappear in 14 days!
This is a one or two day course of applied science that covers the Biology of Compost Toilets (HH-3)
introducing the science of Sir Albert Howard CIE,MA., for new or seasoned entrants into sustainable farming and gardening. Howard was knighted for his work on crop breeding and fertility making and for disposing of obnoxious wastes in record time.
This science is not taught by other institutions.
Sir Albert Howard (8 December 1873 – 20 October 1947) was an English botanist, an organic farming pioneer, and a principal figure in the early organic movement. He is considered by many in the English-speaking world to have been, along with Rudolf Steiner and Eve Balfour, one of the key founders of modern organic agriculture.[1]
Richard Higgins, NDA ., PDC., born and raised on a Somerset mixed farm in the 1960’s, studied at the Royal Berkshire College of Agriculture, England. He later went on to do a ten year study of the life and works of Sir Albert Howard. He has been trialing and using these methods of fertility making for 20 years and lectures to the Soil Association and many other groups. He has brought together the sciences of Howard with that of low till and zero till technologies of the Good Gardeners International (parent charity) for farming and gardening for a sustainable future.
The Course covers
The Howard-Higgins Agricultural/Horticultural System (HHS) incorporating
The HH-2 Hot Box system for reliable and consistent fertility making in conjunction with HH-3 EcoSan Compost Toilets, which produce HH-4, a high value, finished fertiliser/soil conditioner. This material is highly saleable and fetches the highest price on the open market. You can now make a living just from recycling waste!
Modern agriculture surmises that all you need to add to the soil to produce crops is NP and K. But this is only effected with huge factories and is a monopoly on the rights of everyman and woman to learn how to do it for themselves. This is Permaculture!
The remieralising of the soil through the HH-2 Hoticultural/Agricultural system includes the addition of iron, calcium, magnesium, carbon, copper, aluminum, sulphur, zinc, boron, fluorine, cobalt and manganese automatically. This is an advanced Permaculture system that replenishes soil in the fastest possible way.
Many people are now ill with an array of degenerative diseases, this is due to water pollution and pollution from chemical fertilisers.
Since the work in the last century of the Great Pioneer Sir Albert Howard,
Richard Higgins has developed the branch of his work on land fertility and the recycling of organic matter to make an optimum high value fertiliser/soil conditioner in one in record time.
This course covers how this remarkable material, HH-4, applied only once yearly can kick start any agricultural/horticultural system to run at optimum capacity even on previously neglected, uncultivated or marginal land. Then you can plant any crop type to work in simbiosis with each other. No special soil testing is required and no pH testing is required. This original science of Sir Albert Howard is now taught from the Well End Micro-farm to international students. The science is coming from the ancient Chinese who fed the densest populations on the planet. It has been brought forward today for the express use of the modern farmer and gardener wishing to embark on a more Sustainable Future.
“This is the most prolific system of horticulture known to man,” (Howard)
This system has now been condensed by Higgins, who started this research in 1995, into the Howard-Higgins system, as it is known. Richard has since inherited the registered charity Good Gardeners International which started in 1962. Much research has been donw and now we are able to teach how to manufacture humus in 90 days, something which takes Nature between 500 and 1,000 years. When people find fertile land they buy it and farm it. But if they don’t perform proper replenishment of the soil (The Law of Return) they will deplete it. In the UK for example “organic farming” depletes the soil by as much as 5 cms over 40 years, (Lampkin, 1990, current Director of the Soil Association)
The end product from the HH-2 recycling system in conjunction with the HH-3 compost toilet system is complete in its maturity in 90 days when it becomes HH-4. This material is the most micro-organically active substance on the planet. It transforms any soil type it comes into contact with into a suitable growing media when it is left spread on the surface of the soil for a three month period to allow the soil to breathe.
On this course you will also learn how to make a consistent seed compost which is also highly marketable.
Richard has introduced the principle of low till and indeed zero till for horticulture, to supplement Howard’s fertility making system thus reducing the cost of fuel and machinery because the land in this system does not require the same standards of aeration and dessication afforded by modern day agronomists in conventional agriculture. These principles alone are extremely beneficial to anyone entering the realm of sustainable agriculture/horticulture/permaculture.
Learn how this system works in a one or two day course. Then you get the choice to hire our staff from our
Bio Fertile Farming Consultancy
so you can run your own farm enterprise/scale up for mass production
You will learn how to capture atmospheric nitrogen and manufacture nitrogen in your own sustainable compost factory.
With the HH-2 method of composting maximum amounts of nitrogen are generated by the application of specific readily available ingredients found on any standard mixed farm. How to optimize the benefit of captured nitrogen. The material should be applied to the land surface at the completion of the process (three months) in order to bank the accumulated available nitrogen in the soil.
The phosphorus mines of the world are depleting at an alarming rate (Dr. A. Rosemarrin, Swedish Environmental Institute) Video available from the MEDIA section of our web site.
and the costs of this essential element in food production is and will put the cost of food out of reach of many millions of people thus creating a situation of starvation. (20 million are currently facing starvation in three countries in Africa. According to BBC Radio 4, 18 million people are also threatened with starvation across the Sahel region of Africa, not because there is not enough food, but because they can’t afford to buy it.. Food cannot be produced without phosphorus and as the phosphorus mines are depleting alternative sources of this valuable element have to be sought. The alternative sources of phosphorus are obtained from animal and human effluent. Therefore the Howard-Higgins system of collection and reclamation of valuable wastes is essential for anyone wishing to practice sustainable agriculture/farming or gardening. With this system anyone, who was not previously a farmer, can produce their own food safely, and efficiently with very little effort.
New Potassium mines are also being sought.
But this element does not have to be mined, where it takes up valuable land space and creates environmental problems for local communities and pollution to the environment. We will cover the manufacturing potassium on this course.
is not required in this unique system of food production
Lack of Pests and Diseases (reduction to almost nil)
In the resultant agricultural/horticultural system developed by Higgins there are no pests or diseases prevalent in any crop type. Or at worst they are kept to an absolute minimum providing recommended planting times and instructions are followed. In short this is the simplest, fastest way to regenerate your soil and bring it into full production.
Crop yields
100-300% increase
There is always increased crop yield with the HH-2 system and increases with biochar additions are from 100-300%. These are possible due to the greatly increased nutrient holding capacity in our soils. The keeping capacity of crops is also increased due to mineral uptake, (DERA, 2007). For example The Well End Micro-farm, where this course is held produces 24 inch courgettes that keep fresh for 6 months without refrigeration and 19 inch parsnips and 7.5 Lb beetroots that have all been grown on land that has not been cultivated for 35 years.
Please apply using the Purchase button
or email Richard:
You will understand source separation and collection of materials
You will know the principles values for creating your own NPK
You will understand carbon capture and maximum moisture retention for climate change
You will learn how to effect Total Nutrient Recovery in your farming/growing system (TNR)
You will be able to save on fuel and machinery costs from conventional and organic farming.
Fuel less machinery and other equipment (appropriate technology) is available here
To book and pay for this course please email Richard: for the course you wish to take, when you come to pay click on this link then click on the purchase button. Fill in the amount you are paying. We will be notified automatically and will send you a receipt and details of how to find us.