CSA and Food Waste Management

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CSA and Food waste management processed in the HH-2 Horticultural System

Appearing on Radio 4 Farming Today….16th November, 2016

NIAB (National Institute of Agricultural Botany) are embarking upon a project to take certain elements from waste food products to produce what they are calling Bio pesticides.

Sustainable agriculture London and Good Gardeners International have already achieved this in the HH-2 system of Horticulture, 20 years ago, in 1996.

What’s better about the HH-2 system. Rather than embarking upon more new and costly (to the tax payer) more research trying to take certain elements say from onions to prevent pests in onion crops, is that HH-2 not only does this perfectly well – it manages to digest all manner of other organic wastes that are continually flowing in today’s waste stream at the same time. Therefore this is more holistic. This principle helps to diversify agriculture away from mono cropping. This is what is spoiling agriculture, depleting the soil and lowering employment and skill opportunites for young farmers and disease resistance in all crop types.

What is needed is to imbibe upon young farmers in the knowledge of how to prevent pests and diseases in crops themselves rather than them relying on more and more new commercial products that no doubt will cost them dear.

Waste is everywhere, it is not addressed on so many local levels. Bio digestors are far and few between costing millions of pounds. The cost transport of waste to these plants is also voluminous. They break down – they cost vast amounts of money to repair. They rely on electricity. Even a smaller scale bio digestor – how much do they cost?

There is a large market, for in between locations, for the HH-2 processors to operate, which comparatively cost nothing. They do not rely on electricity. They don’t breakdown and they produce something biodigestors don’t – an optimum fertiliser/soil conditioner in one.

This optimum fertiliser/soil conditioner (HH-4) employed in the HH-2 Horticultural System promotes vastly improved health for the consumers of such locally grown produce.

CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)

An example for suitable locations for siting these processors are CSA installations which are growing and are found dotted all over the country. This would improve the out put and quality and disease resistance of all CSA farm projects.

3.2 Kg cabbage 7.5 Lb Beetroot 021
CSA Food Waste Management

To purchase the HH-2 system go to our Produtcs Page

Further reading

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