HH-3 compost toilets for commercial units

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Our HH-3 independent compost toilets are also being used in commercial units and storage units where expansion plans are cheaper using compost toilets than extending mains sanitation.

You can have an odour free, water free, compost toilet for only 365.00 in your commercial unit.

HH3 glamping toilet with viewing port


This very strong compost toilet is all you need for a complete sanitation system in anything from a commercial unit to an allotment.

Nowadays people are becoming aware of the cost of water and the expense of extending mainstream sanitation to  reach a new unit or office they are building. This is extremely good for the environment. Not only does this prevent more sewage entering our over congested sewage systems it returns the carbon to the soil rather than to water – the cause of this pollution. In previous times all sewage was returned to our fields and gardens via the system of Night Soil. Now our HH-3 system has improved upon that and with our HH-5 SuperFast Activator the waste is transformed into earth even quicker.

If there is a problem with water shortages or electricity supplies your compost toilet will still operate fine as it depends on the action of fungi and bacteria rather than these mainstream supplies that are becoming evermore costly to buy and install.

The bioliner which is transported in the solids bucket is easily transferable to the nearest compost heap or can simply be buried. While this is taking place the spare unit is in service the same with the urine bottle. This means that your toilet is never out of service. There could be nothing worse than having to leave a notice DO NOT USE AS WE ARE EMPTYING THE UNITS.

The HH-3 compost toilets are also available Internationally with postage included by ebay,  so with a little more cost on ebay you will be able to get the same service as in the UK for extending the sanitation in your commercial units. Don’t delay order one today on ebay and help save the environment, a lot of water and a lot of money.


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